Let’s give thanks and love…

There is so very much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, yet it seems that so many are finding it difficult to find compassion at this time.  Granted, the world is currently experiencing a great deal of hardship, tension and fear associated with war in the Middle East, a global financial meltdown and political unrest, yet there are still many reasons for us to be thankful.

Perhaps I am reflecting on this subject out of a desire to try to reach out for what is good in all of us, so that we can mend all of these conflicts with love and compassion.  Or, maybe I am just in a philosophical mood due to the holiday.  In either event, it is a good time to bring to light issues that are hearfelt and important to all of us.

In my life, I have learned many lessons that have enabled me to dig deep inside myself in order for me to gain the insight necessary to survive in this world.  Many of these lessons were extremely hard ones for me to learn and I suffered greatly during them.  Those that were taught by my family members were especially hard to bear, yet I gained the most insight from them.  This reflection has time and again led me to the realization that we are all here on this planet for one reason and that is to love each other.  I feel that this is the big “secret” that so many philosophers and writers have expounded upon throughout time, but so many of us have refused to embrace.

Why is it so hard for many of us to love, or to see love and then to return it?  Why is it so hard to release anger, to forgive, or even to repent?  These should all be things that are innate to us and yet we can search our whole life and not be able to do any of these things.  This then is the real tragedy, for love is the one thing that can turn an empty life into a rich, fufilled one.  Love is the manifestation of the divine spark within us which when opened, can reveal all of the bounty the world contains, releasing a truely spectacular gift to all of us.

So, how do we awaken this love that is contained within all of us?  Perhaps it can be done by giving support to each other during good times and bad, nurturing each other along the way, and extending loving guidance and help whenever and wherever required.  Or, maybe it can be attained when we develop an attitude of gratitude; through giving thanks for what we have and who we are.  Many have found it through prayer, meditation and yoga; when they have tapped into the subconscious and found the inner peace that awakens their capacity to love.  In all of these methods the answer becomes clear: not only is love the only answer, but we are all connected.

If we all possess a divine “spark” gifted to each of us by the Creator, then not only do we all possess a part of Him, but we all share a part of each other: we are all connected!  This ‘connection’ is not only between family members through genetics, but to friends through friendship and good will, and even to complete strangers, through this divine “spark.”  If we could all just learn to celebrate what we have in common, the world would be a much better place in which to live.  In fact, embracing this one belief would go a long way towards fixing every problem we have in our personal lives, within the US, and across the globe.

I believe that we can change the negative path we’re headed down, the one that is leading us to financial armageddon and to WWIII, but it will not be through the leadership and representation of our political officials.  Instead, it will be through each and every one of us who choose to dig deep within ourselves and in our families, to reach that divine “spark” so that we can spread goodwill and love to the world.  If each and every one of us learned to tap into this incredible piece of our divine Creator, to love unconditionally, then we could manifest a world devoid of hatred, destruction and war.  We could create true “peace” on Earth that just might last forever.

Peace and love to all.

Why are we here?

I consider myself a “spiritual” human being.  Granted, I may not be the most “enlightened,” but I have hope that one day it all might be revealed to me. 

Life has a funny way of leading us into certain directions and for some, the destination isn’t always clear at the beginning.  Trust in self and faith are essential in order to have a successful journey, but realistically, it can be difficult to be patient when objectives are unclear and the path is obscure.  Such feelings are even harder to deal with in these difficult economic times; where life seems fraught with inconsistency, tension, struggle, and dissent.  Yet, if we step back to reflect, we begin to realize that we live in a world that is absolutely beautiful, with so many precious life forms and an unending world of possibilities.  

What makes some see the good in life, while others are mired in despair, agony and for some anger and hatred?  How is it that reaching for the sky has endless possibility for some, but to others it is the personification of the unattainable?  Well, perhaps it comes from looking inward; taking the time to reflect, to mediate and to get intouch with the inner voice that guides us.  Oh, but this is hard to do!  

In a life characterized by constant activity, jam-packed schedules, endless meetings and other responsibilities, this year seems to be even busier than those of the past.  Days have just flown by at a rate that seems extraordinarily fast and unlike any that have come before.  Perhaps this is a sign that we are aging, for some say that as you age time seems to speed up.  Hmmm, maybe there is something to that. 

Or, maybe now that many of us are reaching a stage where we have the freedom and flexibility to write the next “chapter” in our life story, we are trying to figure out some of the ‘big’ issues that have plagued us for so long.  Like, “why are we here?”  Or, “why are we here at this time?”  These issues have festered inside some of us for years; surfacing at times when it was inconvenient, or impossible to consider them.  We always shoved them to the back in hopes that we could bring them out at a later date, when we’d have more time to sit and ponder their meaning.  Well, maybe that time is now?

As I read articles on the internet, in the media, and as I study and do on-line research, I come across many others who are asking the very same questions.  I have also met many people who have the same uncertainity and who are struggling with everyday life.  And, while learning of them may provide some comfort, it also attunes me to the fact that there are always going to be questions that we struggle with in life.  Perhaps we are never meant to find the answers?  For, maybe it is the search to find the meaning that leads us on our path in life.  Remember the saying: “Its not the destination, but the journey” that matters?  Well, if that’s the case, then will death come only when we know all that we are here to find out?  Gosh, if thats the case, then I’m not sure I’m ready for the answers just yet!



So, what is purpose? Simply put, its why many of us get up each morning. It’s the thing that drives us, that makes us have meaning in our lives and it’s why we are here on this planet at this time. Purpose can mean many things to many people, but for most it’s the main focus of our life. 

While purpose can drive us, for some, it may not be revealed until later in life. Lucky is the person who knows from a young age what purpose and direction their life will take! They are the ones who are able to evolve and grow with their purpose; deepening and further developing it over time. These lucky souls have an inner ‘sight’ that has enabled them to awaken to their direction and even to ‘get down to business’ in order to make a contribution from a young age. I have always wished I was one of these lucky ones. 

To me, my ‘purpose’ has not yet been revealed and while this life is a journey, unfortunately, it is not a purpose-driven one for me; yet. Truthfully, I think that our purpose might change as we grow in life experience, maturity and circumstance. For these reasons it may be that true purpose is not revealed to us until we are at a time in life when we are able to handle it responsibly. Or, perhaps life’s purpose is only shown at a time when our hearts are open and receptive to the message. For some, this may be possible when they are young, but for the vast majority of us maybe it can only occur once we are older, wiser, and capable of listening to the inner voice that guides us. For to have the greatest impact, to really embrace the concept, you need to put your heart and soul into it. 

I also wonder if it might be possible to have more than one purpose while we’re here. As a woman, some might infer that our purpose is to bear children and to raise them. While for men, perhaps they are to provide financially for the family; to nurture and protect their children and women. These basic responsibilities have meaningful purpose in life on their own, but some say that there is a greater purpose within us that can be revealed over time and can shape how we fulfill our soul promise while here on Earth. It is this soul promise that must be revealed so we can accomplish the task we agreed to complete before we were born. And it is this soul purpose that transcends gender, race and ethnicity. To me then, life’s purpose is your soul promise. 

So, how do we go about finding our purpose in life, or the soul promise we made so long ago? And, how is it possible for some people to know what it is at a young age? Perhaps, as most intuitives will advise, it can only be found by looking within. Getting in touch with your inner voice and listening to a spirit guide or other advisor is one way to find your message, but for some, it can be found by listening to and following your heart. Too many of us today are unable or incapable of, or even unwilling to heed the messages that we receive from the heart because our head tells us we should not listen. In a world that is filled with so many ‘need to’ and ‘have to’ items, it is difficult to try to listen to a little voice that could be advising something that is radically different than the path we are headed on. The advice could be in direct opposition to our current path, it could be fraught with obstacles and it could mean a fundamental change in thinking or behavior. In truth, it could mean that we completely “re-invent” ourselves in order for us to serve our “purpose” in life. And, to be honest, just how many of us are willing to take on that challenge? 

And, challenge it is for many of us, for we have been programmed from a very early age to listen to our head, to develop our thinking, and to turn off the messages from the heart so that we can act intelligently and not emotionally. For, too many of us who have acted from the heart have been accused of acting too emotionally for the circumstance, which can make some people feel uncomfortable who witness this reaction. 

So, what is the best course of action when you are being given a message from the heart? Well, as many people are learning today, such messages are really the only ones we should be listening to! Messages from the heart are the only ones that will never lead us astray, they are the ones that can lead us to glory and can make us feel content and fulfilled and happier than we could ever imagine. But, they are sometimes very emotional messages that can be misconstrued if delivered without consideration of the impact we can leave on others. Listening to your heart and then delivering the message to others through your soul purpose can mean dancing a fine line between “wearing your heart on your sleeve” and delivering a heartfelt message. But, once your “dance” is practiced enough and you become adept at mastery, you can make an impact on others that can change the world!



My ‘blog address’ may seem a bit obscure, but it coincides with a company I started last year.  And, though I have not yet fully launched my ‘concept’ or my company to the world, I have been working hard designing and creating a wide variety of natural gemstone products.  It is my desire to develop a product line that will be marketed and sold at a facility where a full line of comprehensive, alternative medical therapies will be offered to the public.

In addition, a full-line of nutritious health supplements, foods and drinks will be offered in a cozy sit-down restaurant and small retail store.  On-site cooking demonstrations and classes will also be planned to showcase and complement the nutritious menu selections.

I have been told (warned) that this is a big undertaking, which is why it is still under development.  To ease my way into the market, I am exploring the possibility of selling my healing gemstone jewelry on an internet source in order to bolster my funds for corporate development.

This is a long process to be sure, but I am now on my way!

Please feel free to offer comments and suggestions, for I am interested to hear public feedback on my concept.

Many thanks for reading.

Peace, love and happiness always!
